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March 2015
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday March 16, 2015
Town Hall Annex
April 26, 2015

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Ron Milenski, Paul Constantino, Andy Brown

Meeting Commenced –7:04 pm in the Annex

Cemetery Operations
Andy is planning on utilizing help from the Sheriff’s Department for the extra work of Spring clean-up the end of April to the first of May. He would expect it would take 6 people for about 1 week.

Bruce has lined up the continuing extra help we need – a part-time Light Department employee.
Andy reported he now has the town-issued computer he was looking for. Work is being done to fix some glitches in the current computer program to keep track of all the lots. When that is fixed, the program will be downloaded onto Andy’s computer.
The budget is in good shape to get us through the balance of the year (till June 1).
There were no lot sales this month. The Andersons are looking for a grouping of 11 lots. We have only one such spot in Woodlawn Cemetery which we will offer them for purchase.

Lynne will review possible lot buy-back purchases such as the lot previously purchased by Clayton Hubbard who now is buried in another town.

‘16 Budget
The Selectmen and the Advisory Board have reviewed our submitted budget for next year and raised no objections todate.
We will need a Town Meeting article for the capital budget item of the purchase of a lawn mower.
Our budget needs to cover the tree removal needed at Meetinghouse Cemetery
Other items include
3 flag poles for about $4000,
Woodlawn - filling a muddy corner for about $1000 and about $1200 for a granite block lining along the entrance road.
North – clearing the brush filled left front corner area for about $4000 which would make available about $16000 in potential lots.
We agreed we’d view this area at 6:30 PM before our next Cemetery Commission meeting April 27.
South – We need a long-term vision of this cemetery rather than just spot fixes.
To cover this work, we should take $6000 from “Lot Sales” account plus about $1000 from “Cemetery _____” account - leaving about $10000 in the Lot Sales account, This will require an article at the Town Meeting.

We need an inventory of how many lots are available in each cemetery.

Next meeting
The next meeting of the Cemetery Commission is scheduled for Monday April 27, 2015 -
as the 3rd Monday in April is a Holiday – Patriots Day. Before the formal meeting, we will view the proposed work area at North cemetery.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:26 PM

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
